Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Here you will find notes to different subjects that I have read about in scientific articles or books.
Supply Chain Management
This section is about different kinds of supply chains and how they can be managed. The important attributes of each situation are specified.
The Reverse Supply Chain
This section is based on notes from a book (can't remember the title of the book).
Reverse supply chain is the management of returned goods or waste disposal etc.
- Soft goods - food
- Hard goods - car -> outsourcing
TPL tasks:
- Identify problems.
- Identify possible services.
- Tailor products better.
TPL considerations:
- in- outsourcing hinders the core competencies of the company.
- Soft/hard goods: hard goods should be outsourced.
- Measure the company's ability to lower the stock, through untraditional sales channels.